Public relations strategies to build
trust and credibility

Jamie Mara is a consultant who tailors
media relations and other purpose-driven
PR support to help agencies, companies
and organizations maximize messaging opportunities and navigate challenging issues.

  • Media relations

    Engaging the news media is a powerful part of a PR strategy. Relationships, messaging, preparation… There’s much more to it than sending out press releases.

  • Issues management

    A reputation matters. Getting ahead of potentially harmful issues, and responding strategically when crises happen, can make all the difference.

  • Public affairs

    PR goes hand in hand with public affairs when an organization seeks to bolster support for a project, plan or policy. The right approach turns advocacy into influence.

About Jamie

With 30 years in communications,
Jamie has the skills and perspective
to help clients realize the power
of strategic messaging and
media relations.


  • "Jamie is the gold standard when it comes to agriculture policy communications. He has the ability to effectively explain complex policy issues across a wide range of audiences in and outside Washington, D.C."

    Michael Torrey,
    Torrey Advisory Group

  • "I’ve worked with Jamie on managing issues to protect the reputation of a client. He understands how to work with the media and help clients convey the right messages to the public."

    Jane Hillstrom,
    Hillstrom PR

  • "I’ve seen Jamie in action both during his journalism days and in public relations. He understands how critically important media engagement and messaging can be to public projects and advocacy."

    Shawn Pfaff,
    Pfaff Public Affairs

Contact Jamie